Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is my spouse's sudden insistence on getting a Brazilian wax a sign that she's cheating?

I mean, we rarely have sex, so I doubt it's for my benefit.Is my spouse's sudden insistence on getting a Brazilian wax a sign that she's cheating?
If there haven't been a lot of other changes in her behavior (suddenly becoming secretive about things, can't explain her whereabouts, doesn't answer your calls when she used to always answer them, starts buying really sexy underwear when she didn't before, suddenly takes a new interest in her appearance, etc.) then I would say probably not - maybe she just wants to see what it's like. If this is the only thing you have noticed that is different, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If however, you start to notice any of the other things that I have mentioned, then I would start to become concerned.Is my spouse's sudden insistence on getting a Brazilian wax a sign that she's cheating?
My first thoughts are for you, search within yourself to find out why you are not having sex, then figure out if your relationship is worth saving. If so, go with her to have the Brazilian wax. As for the cheating, It could just be something that someone has told her and she would like to experience. Cheating usually has more than just one sign.
#1. It's swimsuit season

#2. Maybe she wants to feel sexy

#3. You said you rarely have sex....why? Maybe you need to spend a romantic weekend together and get the spark flying again. Maybe she's not feeling loved and wanted. Every woman wants/needs to hear that their still wanted and desireable to their husbands and vice versa.
ok from a girls point of view SHAVING SUCKS!!! my hubby is deployed and thats the 1 and only good thing is that i dont have to. by getting the wax, she dont have to worry bout the hair for an even longer time than if she shaved,and its 10 times smoother than shaving. i want to get it done before he gets here.
if you doubt things arent cool then they arent. it doesnt pass the smell test. get it 'smell test';. ha ha ha ha i crack myself up. no seriously if you didnt ask her to mow the lawn then somebody did. can you say private detective? just to get a peek at her comings and goings . get it ';comings';. there i go again. get pictures of wrong doing because she can always deny . if you do go to court the pics will save you from paying vaginamony
I hate to say it but more than likely! That was the first stage in mine. Second new underwear, third texting through the roof......Oh! you'll love this one, see if her underwear starts to match! Mine never wore matching sets until she was cheating. Be careful and good luck. I hope I'm wrong.

(EDIT I guess the ladies see it differently)
My gosh, maybe she wants to do it for herself! Why do you men think its all about you???? Why does their have to be a man involved in her deciding to wax? If you rarely have sex, why don't you seduce her and get it on more often?
Maybe for the bikini season.

Maybe she's actually trying to rebuild your sex life. I'd definately be on the lookout for more sex or a bathing suit first thing... If you don't get one of those two then a good divorce lawyer.
To be honest, yes it could be. This is something I think I would do if I decided to cheat. This is smart of you to pick up on this. Pretty good intuition for a guy. Go with your intuition and gut feeling.
I would say yes if she is suddenly doing things out of the ordinary and you are rarely having sex then she is probably getting it elsewhere or getting ready to.
Nope. It is for you. You might feel sexier as a couple. It's for her. She needs to feel sexier and attractive.
If that is something that the two of you have not discussed then maybe something is up.
No, every woman has to experience a Brazilian wax once in her life.

Maybe it is for your benefit!!! She might be trying to entice you?
No maybe she wants to spice things up with you %26amp; try new thing with you. She prob want to spice up the relationship. So you guys can have more SEX. I wouldn't worry about it. Good Luck
Maybe she's hoping you'll give her a little more action if she gets it done!
if you rarely have sex and she wants a brazillian.. then someone else is in the picture for sure..
Summers Here Maybe its for Her Swim Suit?

no, that one thing means nothing, it is provably for her and not even sexual

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