Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm 15. Mom says no Brazilian wax unless she does it? Should I let her?

She is a beautician. She is freaked out about perverts and/or hidden cameras and said either I do it myself, she does it, or it doesn't get done but I'm not to go out and let a stranger do it.

What should I do?I'm 15. Mom says no Brazilian wax unless she does it? Should I let her?
Your mother has seen you naked before. She changed your diapers. She has a right to allow you or disallow you to do things she feels safe or unsafe. And she will do it for free so I don't see much of a downside to letting your mother accept your prudish attitude toward your mother seeing your private parts which she has seen hundreds of times already.I'm 15. Mom says no Brazilian wax unless she does it? Should I let her?
Your mother has some good points. Although, I wouldn't feel totally comfortable letting my mom give me a brazillian wax even though she's a beautician. That's up to you and your comfort level. If you are working save up some money and find a few places that will give you the brazillian wax. Then, have your mom go with you to ask questions and make sure it's a reputable place.
Why do you need a Brazilian wax at 15? Personally I wouldn't let my mom, it would be too uncomfortable for me. If you are comfortable letting your mom do that then, I say go for it, though I really don't see why you need one...
Honey, you're 15, what do you need a Brazilian for anyway? Do it at home, or just shave down there for now. When you're 18 you can do whatever you want.
I would rather have my Mom do a brazilian wax than some stranger! Do you know how much that hurts(from personnel experience very very bad but worth it)....................and why does a 15 year old need a brazilian wax?????
Just do it your self or shave down there.
You're 15, you don't need a Brazillian wax!
I been having brazilian wax's for a few years now. I currently haven't due to pregnancy and rather not risk any infections in my private area.

I don't shave down there due to the risk and increase of infections from ingrown hairs and cuts. So my doctor recommended to try waxing and I have done that ever since. The first day my skin is sore, but I also have high pain tolerance once I get it done a few times to get used to it.

I would feel weird to have my mom, if she was licensed to do so, to give me a wax. Also trying to ';wax myself'; to save some money also doesn't work either. What was left was a mess to clean up and I don't think I would do a very good job at waxing if I can't even wax myself right lol.

What you need to do is go check places out. Go take a tour. Go with your gut instinct. Have her go with you.

That is what I did and I was so amazed on how wonderful this one place is. It is called SkinSation in Bakersfield, CA (where I am original from: ). Jenny does an amazing job and very calming to those who are nervous.

I went to a few others before this place. Each time, my instinct said no.

She does give recommendations to other places and what places she feels it is not best to go to.

For the waxing, it cost me $60. Average is anywhere between $50 and $80, depending on where you live and go. (quote in San Diego was $80 and my gut feeling didn't like them; so I rather drive the 4 hours to Bakersfield when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton, to visit family and get my wax at the same time from Jenny).

She has had clients from 13 (majority are inspiring models: many had their mom's or sisters in there with them) to adults in there 70's. She is very professional and by her personality, you can tell that just by introduction whether to leave or feel comfortable to stay.

You can also contact the health administrative who inspects environments such as beauty to restaurants to make sure it is sanitary and up to code. You can see any violations etc.

You do want to stay away from ';in home'; businesses.

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