Y!A--Gay/lesbian????When getting a Brazilian wax, can you request the person doing it blindfolds themself?
VERY talented....and could do it by feel.......
I have never been that shy....
nor do I want hot wax landing in certain special places...
Plus, Sweetie....You want it to look good....
I will solve your problem and help you with it.....
Peace.When getting a Brazilian wax, can you request the person doing it blindfolds themself?
Thank you for best answer.
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you could request it,however,the outcome may not be as you hoped if they cant see what they are doing.if your that shy you shouldnt even be considering a brazilian wax,if your doing it for your partner/boyfriend to see,you cant be that shy,it will more than likely be a girl who does it anyhow,stop worrying,loads of women have it done now,the therapists have seen it all before anyway.good luck
Sure! just get a couple of mirrors and ';guide'; 'em. You wouldn't want to end up w/ a 'Hitler' or a 'Flying V' would you?
Poll: which is it? Gay or lesbian?
Oh...of course if YOU went w/ the gay attendant, you may just convert 'im ;) Heaven forbid such an act!
No you can't ask they to wear a blindfold, or else they won't see what they are doing. You could always learn to do it yourself, and then you won't have to worry about people seeing you in your birthday suit.
Not only blindfold themselves, but also apply a Groucho Marx mustache (just to keep the levity)
I would think you would want them to see what they were doing. But if they had one of those miner hats with the light attached, then I would be worried...
It hurts bad enough if they can see what they're doing..I don't want to even think about the pain if they can't.
uhhhhhh....is that something you really WANT to be done blindfolded? i think accuracy is kinda important here LOL
y!a is a place for teens or adults not for gayness or lesbianess and ill let a pro do it blindfolded
Not unless you want them to wax your vagina off.
Use a razor, 'wielded' by someone you trust - fully.
You don't want them to leave the landing strip in the wrong place do you?
Shy? Yeah....
I'll do it blindfolded AND drunk. No wait, I'll pay you!
You'd look a bit funny with no eyebrows.
i think i could do it by feel
I'll do it blindfolded I know my way around that place
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