Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Severely itchy after brazilian wax

I just got a brazilian wax yesterday from a very nice waxing place in new york city. Now the area is severely itchy.

I got a brazilian before and it was also really itchy then too.

Is it supposed to be itchy right after a wax? its not because the hair is growing back because i just got it done yesterday

HelpppppppSeverely itchy after brazilian wax
I think that you might have xma (I'm not sure how to spell it but its pronounced like xma), I have it so I have to be carful of soaps, shampoos ect.Severely itchy after brazilian wax
Bet you didn't expect a man to answer!

Anyway, you could have a sensitivity either to the wax itself or one of the lotions or oils which the therapists used. Maybe try an anti-histamine cream - ask at the pharmacy.

On the other hand it could be something more general. Avoid putting any product at all on your skin immediately after waxing or having any product left on your skin during waxing. Immediately after waxing, your skin pores are open and raw - almost like tiny cuts - and so they are susceptible to irritation and infection even if your skin is not normally sensitive. When I say any product, I include your normal soap or shower gel. A cool shower is OK, that is, cooler than your normal shower but it doesn't have to be totally cold water.

I got bad irritation after my first back waxing. Since then I've started getting waxed all over (cos I hated being so hairy) and I've read quite a bit about skin care for waxing and I have no problem any more.
Try using bikini zone, you can find it at most drug stores or mass merchandisers. Its really for shaving but it makes a huge difference! Lots of women get itchy after waxes. Some get horrible rashes and bumps that dont go away for 2-3 week. ( which pretty much defeats the purpose of waxing) and some bruise badly from it.

The bikini zone contains lidocaine that will help numb the area, and helps calm the skin. It makes the world of a difference, just use it for the first few days after you wax, and you shouldn't have any problems.
your allergic to the chemical they use, some ppl are.

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